The plan - in 3 Dimensions!

While drawing the plan on my PC, I had a rather clear image of the future layout. However, in various model-railroading magazines, I read about constructing a 3D-model of the layout.

I decided to do so, and started printing the plan a number of times on thick paper. With these plan-parts (scaled 1/10 of the 'real' layout), a hardboard base plate, scissors and glue I started working. From scraps of paper I made small supports to get the right height for the track base. After a day's hard work, I got this result:

With this paper 3D-model I could actually see the future layout from all corners. The scenery (hills and buildings) got their places in my mind. That way I noticed some slopes were too steep, and the viewers couldn't see some interesting layout parts - their view was blocked. After making some slight adjustments, I was finally pleased with the design.

Much later, after acquiring a good 3D computer program, I made some virtual movies from the layout. You can watch them on this page.

©2004 Gerolf Peeters - updated 07.11.2005 Zie ook: First Thinking - Wishes - The drawn plan