Feedback on the Website

or: what various people e-mailed me...

As this part of the site is relatively new (there's only an English version since December '04), there are hardly any reactions yet. Perhaps YOU could mail me?

December '04, from Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA:

I just glanced at your English biography page. Your English is generally excellent, but I did notice one slightly amusing linguistic mistake ... You write that you work at a "psycho" nursing home. I'm sure you mean psychiatric ..." ["Psycho" is slang for "psychotic."]
Good luck with your site and happy RRing.

From British Columbia, Canada:

Gerolf, your English is very good, much better than some of the young people I teach here in western Canada! I have attached your "About me" page in Microsoft Word 7. Hope these come across to you. Again, you've done remarkably well in such a bugger of a language.

From Cheshire, North-West England:

Hi, ... Excellent and informative site, I am very impressed with your modeling skills and will be coming back to view your progress. Thank you for producing such great information.

©2005 Gerolf Peeters - updated 06.11.2005 See: contact