Rural landscape

A piece of nature on the layout...

At the end of 2004 I had been withholding myself from starting landscape construction. The electronics and foundation techniques still had the most priority. But then I got a good excuse:

... In order to construct the platforms on the lower part of 'Boulroie' I used a too small railroad foundation. This made the platforms "float" in the air. I had to make some landscape scenery! This wood consist of a rather flat piece of land, with a forester's house, some meadows and - of course - a piece of forest.
In most magazines I encountered the hard-shell method as being very efficient for landscape foundation. This technique would be tried on this piece of land first:

Using pieces of masking rape, used by home decorators, a rough basic shape was laid out. A bottom plate for the forester's house was put in place. On that bottom, paper tissues, wetted in plaster putty, were 'splashed'. You can see the tissues on the pictures above. During the plaster 'splashing' no pictures were taken. It was a very messy job and the plaster dried fast, so I didn't have any time to go clean my (very dirty) hands an take my photo-camera. The leftover plaster-water mix was used to fill-up the platforms.

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On top of the first plaster/paper layer comes another and another thin layer. I let this harden overnight. Next day I added some more plaster to model the landscape a bit more (road, slope...)

This article isn't finished yet - neither is this piece of landscape so far...


©2005 Gerolf Peeters - updated 07.11.2005 See: Background