Rotating tool rack

For precision knifes, tweezers,...

This subject was published in Modelspoormagazine 46.

In home markets you can often buy a cheap set of precision hobby knifes. These are well suited for modeling. As they are cheap, it's worth it to buy several packages to obtain a handle for every type of knife, and some spare blades.
A problem occures when trying ot store them. In a common box, it's quite easy to damage the knifes, and you fingers too..

The proposed tool rack is very simple to construct, occupies hardly any space and is both save for the knifes as for our fingers.
The picture shows the components:
1. An empty CD-ROM spindle
2. One CD, preferable the one that failed while writing to it
3. Pieces of tube
4. A jar lid (like the one from a jar of marmelade)
5. Hot glue pistol
The pieces of tubing can be metal or plastic and should be a bit wider than the knife holder. I used two sizes, and various lengths between 2 and 3 inches.

The spindle is shortened and some platform (like a jar lid or two) is glued on top of the rotatable CD-ROM. Start gluing the tubes at the center. A hot-glue gun is ideal for this job. Glue the next tubes, letting your inspiration run free.
In a very short time you get a nice looking organ-like composition. Once finished, it can be filled with your hobby knifes, tweezers, files, scissors, ...

Placed in a back corner of your workspace, it provides a handy rotatable storage.

©2007 Gerolf Peeters - adapted 02.06.2007 See: etching - etch-tool - UV-lighter