First sketches and ideas

Before reaching the final drawings, I did a lot of sketching, brainstorming, erasing, cursing, tearing up paper, cursing, tearing up paper, and re-drawing...

At first I wanted to rebuild an existing situation - be it with some giving-in. The Antwerp Central station seemed like a good idea. I consider it to be the most beautiful station in Belgium. On the drawing table lots of sketches and experiments were drawn, but i finally had to let go of the idea: not enough space was the main problem. Antwerp-Berchem then - albeit because I live nearby, and the track concept was very challenging. But again: just not enough room to build it.

Namur, in the Ardennes, was the next choice I thought would be do-able: beautiful station, a citadel on top of a mountain, river, industry, ... It could have been perfect, but again ... a bit to big for the available space. I then considered Arlon, Verviers, ... but eventually chose to have a fiction layout.

Meanwhile I had bought this house, and the attic was reserved for the layout to come. As the house needed extensive rebuilding, I had plenty of time to thoroughly draw a layout design. First on paper and later, when I bought my first PC, on screen. The first plan dates from around 1992, and has been slightly improved since then.

©2002 Gerolf Peeters - updated 07.11.2005 See: First thinking - Wishes - Plan description - The plan