Thanks to...

So many people help me in building "Marche-en-Bières". It is impossible to name them all, but I wish to thank some groups of people.

At first, there's my family: my dearest wife Ilse, my daughter Karen and son Nils. They allow me to enjoy this hobby, support me when times are tough and share happy moments.

The rest of my family, especially my brothers Bruno, Walter and Luc - from whom I've learned a lot, each according to their skills - and who are still prepared to help me when I have yet another problem.

Several people I know in Berchem (Dirk, Paul,...) and Essen (Michael, René, Guy, Marc, Herman, ...) who support and encourage me.

Lots of people I've learned to know through the excellent Modelspoormagazine (Peter, Tony, Nico, ...) en its forum Modelspoorforum (this list is truly far too large to even begin naming some) who've already helped me a lot and will no doubt continue to do so.

A special "thank you" to Herman, Luc and Patrick for translating this site to french.

And finally thank you, who are reading this page and web site. Lots of you helped me to reconstruct de site after the previous provider crashed. Because of that help - and the tons of encouraging mails - this site was reconstructed faster and more complete.

©2005 Gerolf Peeters - updated 30.05.2007 See: Reactions - Contact