Fancy fair - Bumper Cars

Home-built, of course...

I might write something about this for Modelspoormagazine - so for now only pictures...

On my second mini-layout a fancy-fair in a middle-sized city is the main theme. This means a lot of home-building, as my overall project is situated at the end of the 50's. Bumper cars where, and still are, a very common attraction. I want my model to go a bit further then the factory-made models: Iwant the acrs to ride autonomously, collidng randomly.

The design drawing looks a bit complex, as is the project itself. At the moment of writing this, I realy don't know if I'll succeed in building this. A tiny motor, recovered from a cell-phone (for the vibration of the phone) is used to belt-drive other little wheels, and finaly a double font-wheel. The latter tilts and swivels a bit, this switching is caused by the bumping of the car. At right is a transparent I used to etch the components for two prototype cars.



(Movie 790Kb)



©2011 Gerolf Peeters - last adapted on 18.12.2011 See : 2nd mini-layout - rollercoaster - catterpilar