Naughty scenes

What some people do while they should do other things ...

... not to be published in Modelspoormagazine ...

A scène, that will get a place on my second mini-layout:

The actors ...

Trying postions for action ...

Rebuilding the parts ...

This scene was finished quite fast ...

... and it has action (click the picture for a movie)


An earlier scène, taking place in the brewery of my first mini-layout:

What's this gear used for, I hear you thinking...

Well, some movement in mini-scenes would be nice.

Situating this particular scene: In the brewery next to the fiddle-yard, the secretary of the big boss does quite an effort to earn a bonus...

The start: Two Preiser figures: A rather "whealty" guy preparing for diner and a lady in the bathroom combing her hair

Both figures were adapted rigorously: the "chairman" lost his napkin, his shirt wide open, his pants down showing his skinny legs.
The lady is treated even more vigorously: legs bent to shape and she got speared...

After some position-testing the figures were painted. This scene can be observed through the upper window of the brewery. The secretary does all she can...
Unfortunately, I didn't have a way to macro-film movements in 2008, otherwise this would have been quite nice for my video page.

©2011 Gerolf Peeters - last adapted on 26.04.2011 See : Smoke - Paint