Retaining walls

One of the first pieces of scenery I had to build, where retaining walls for the 'Boulroie'-station. They were based on the arch-like walls, retaining the railroad between Berchem and Antwerp Central Station. They aren't really Ardennes-like, but suitable. Moreover, I think they are nice, and they make for another piece of recognizable scenery. On a grey day, I went out to take some pictures:

Starting from a styrene master model, I made a latex mould. One of the disadvantages of latex is that it wears off quite fast, so the quality of the castings deteriorated as well.

However, this proved to be an advantage: no wall was the same, and some castings where looking a lot like a weather-beaten wall: broken stones, ... By sorting the different castings, I came up with a varying retaining wall.

After some more weathering techniques (airbrush, dry-brush, pastels, washings) and a final coat of varnish, the soldered fences could be placed, and the retaining wall can finally be placed on the layout.

©2005 Gerolf Peeters - updated 07.11.2005 See: Dam-bridge