Signals control

Electronics take care of railroad security...


1. Signal Speed

This controller has in fact two functions:
The first is quite simple: generating, from the two occupation detectors connected to a track-'block', a 'Free' and 'Occupied' signal.

The second is a bit more complex: starting from the semaphore condition, combining it with the occupation detector signals and generating the D0, D1 signals for the Speed Controller. This way a train reacts to the semaphore it "sees": Full speed when 'green', reduced speed when the "light" is yellow, slowing down more to finally stop a few yards before a red light.


The block security is controlled by this schematic: the 'Main'-input switches this controller of and gives all control to the control panels. This signal is buffered, so the input has high impedance.

Four inputs, Manual (Tm) and Automatic (Ta) permission, NextBlockSave (V1) and NextBlockRed (R1) are combined to generate the S0 and S1 outputs for the SignalSpeed controller. It also generates signals ('TV' and 'R') for the 'next' BlockSecure-controller in the block system.

There are outputs for actual semaphores, too: Sgg, Sg and Sr are transistor-buffered outputs that can drive the LED's on a light semaphore.
I need to build about 40 of these controllers. Measuring them all "by hand" would have been a pain. That's why I wrote a simple Visual Basic program that controls a small digital 8-channel input/output board. Meanwhile this program grows more: other schematics get tested with this, too.


©2005 Gerolf Peeters - updated 07.11.2005 See: Occupation detectors - Speed control - Block system overview